
Shi (30+, she/they, cst)Note: Repeating this at the beginning since this rule is often ignored and it’s quite important: PLEASE have an alias somewhere I can see it on your blog. Also give me more than an hour or even a day to at least potentially follow you back. Me being active on the dash does not = me not being interested in following. I just need time to sometimes get a feel of a blog before following for comfort's sake.

  WRITING.   First, before we begin — hello, you can call me Shi! I can write anything under the sun from long para to short one-liners, but with longer things I may be a little slow sometimes. I am a busy person so I will not be here at all hours of the day. There will be days I might be on another blog, tired from work, tired in general, or just not in the mood to talk or write. You NEVER have to match me in word count. Just write as much as you are comfortable with. Just…don’t give me a sentence for every paragraph each reply or something. I very rarely follow first, but that's because I'm a weenie fdsfdfs;;;  TRIGGERS.   There can be potential triggers on this blog considering the series. As such, for example, triggers will be tagged like: “gore /”. If there is anything you really want me to tag, please let me know! The only thing I personally would need tagged or you might get a swift unfollow are daddy kink / mommy kink. I don’t see the latter much but please tag it.  TAGGING.   I am very organized so tend to tag near everything, so make sure that you tag as well! Especially if you reblog a lot of memes and such. I’d rather not have my dash spammed with meme reblogs that I can’t at least blacklist.  ASKS.   I don’t answer asks via the “tumblr way” and make an entirely new post and just copypaste what was sent and answer that way. So, if you want to reblog that response to continue an rp, then by all means – go ahead.  CROSSOVERS.   I love crossovers. Bear in mind that if I am unfamiliar with your fandom, I might not follow back. I can make exceptions though if I see how you write your muse. Sometimes that ignites my curiosity! I am ALWAYS up for verses or setting things up to where our characters can interact without issue.  SAME MUSE.   I have absolutely nothing against doubles, although I will not follow first since I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable. I find it fascinating to see each mun’s different interpretations on a character, so if you ever want to pop up in my inbox or come up with something plotwise — even just chitchatting, don’t be shy! No need for competition we all adore the same muse.  EXCLUSIVES.   I don’t normally become exclusive with others since I like interacting with different interpretations of a muse, so this is very very rare. For the time being, I am exclusive to @unwcvering‘s El-Melloi / Waver. I have known them for a long time, have interacted with them for a long time ooc and ic to the point I can’t imagine resetting and starting all over again with someone else just due to how deeply entwined they are. They're not around on that blog really anymore, but this still stands.  SELECTIVE MULTISHIP.   Though I prefer singleship, this blog is multiship with an large emphasis on selective. Usually when my muse has feelings for someone, chances of me shipping with a double is extremely slim, and as such, I tend to be exclusive with a preference for my partner being the same. I am not fond of shipping with like…five Arturias or something since that can sometimes breed icky feelings and I’ve been there before so understand. Along with this, I just prefer building up a romantic ship with one version of muse. This rule is based on a Servant’s class, however, like for example Caster Gilgamesh is not the same as Archer Gilgamesh “in a sense”, so they are treated as separate individuals. In terms of platonic ships, by all means come at me! Give me adopted siblings, papa Ozymandias, rivals, best friends — the list is endless! Chemistry is important.

+ NSFW CONTENT:  SEXUAL.   There is a potential for things of this nature to pop up on here periodically considering my muse is rather sexual himself (he had over a hundred children so — fkjshdkfs). Although Ozymandias is a lustful man who enjoys pleasures of the flesh and is not ashamed to let others know this, this does not mean posts of this nature will be prevalent all across this blog. It is not a big focus, nor do I want it to be. Ozymandias is picky with who he takes to bed, so that adds to the rarity. Please know I ONLY ship and write with those who are +21 and up for my own comfort -- this goes for writing smut too! All nsfw will be tagged accordingly, placed under a readmore, or taken elsewhere like discord upon request.  VIOLENCE.   The Fate series is violent and dark in general, and so there will be some on this blog more than likely. Like everything, it will be tagged accordingly but do keep that in mind. Ozymandias is also an ancient and powerful king who is not above reminding people of their place. If this means harming someone or killing them, he won’t hesitate. I am of the mind that one shouldn't water down their muse, especially muses of power. So, basically, you poke a viper, then expect a bite.———————+ FOLLOWING/UNFOLLOWING: (AK.A THE WORDY SECTION):  INACTIVITY.   If you disappear for 2 months or more without any explanation, I often unfollow. If we’ve interacted, I tend to wait one more month before unfollowing but I WILL follow you back upon your return if I see you! Heck, remind me even that you’re back and I’ll refollow.  NOT TAGGING.   Please tag. Especially memes / ooc. Please, I beg. If you are a heavy nsfw blog in terms of writing or you post a lot of sexual imagery, chances are I will not follow even with tagging in place.  MUTUALS ONLY.   If we are mutuals, don’t be shy about sending in memes or even just random inbox interactions! You don’t have to ask and it’s perfectly fine. For those in outside fandoms, bear with my slow self in approaching I tend to be rather shy in this regard as I wait for an opportunity. I am mutuals only, but don't mind outside parties sending questions here and there if they still choose to follow. Just not rps.  DRAMA.   I dislike drama since the sole purpose of this blog is for me to relax from day to day stress and drama does the exact opposite of helping me relax. So, vaguing about other rpers, starting a commotion on a regular, sending hate to others — all of that will cause me to unfollow. Although I don't comment on callouts, I DO read them and make my decision on how I will proceed from there. TLDR;; Please leave me to my peaceful bubble I'm just a tired lady.  LACK OF INTERACTION.   We can’t always rp with everyone on a frequent basis, but some interest every now and then is nice. Even just liking posts and commenting can go a long way! Otherwise it just feels awkward having someone around that you’re not going to do anything with, or in some cases, it just feels very one-sided in terms of interest. As such, there is a chance I may unfollow / soft block to clear up space on my dash. Don’t take it personally if I do!  LACK OF RULES / NOT CUTTING POSTS / NO ALIAS.   I will not follow someone who does not have a rules page unless I know you personally from another blog and remember how your format was, though I do hope you put one up eventually (rules change after all!). As said in the beginning, lack of an alias makes me anxious and will often prevent me from following back. I've been on here too long to be lenient on this rule and will not bend on it.
All those SUPER STUFFY rules out of the way, I hope we can rp soon! And I know I sound scary, but I am really just a small bird please love me fdsfdsfds


Character Info.

  • full name. Ozymandias

  • also known as. Ramses / Rameses / Ramesses, or Rider

  • gender. cis male

  • Class. Rider

  • occupation. Pharaoh

  • species. Demigod

  • height. 5'10’’ (179 cms)

  • language(s). Can speak all languages due to being a Servant

  • positive traits.  confident, protective of those he respects, charismatic, fair, honest

  • negative traits.  arrogant, egotistical, difficult, stubborn, ruthless

  • likes + dislikes.  Likes all things under his domain equally -- so he says. However, he likes those with determined, ambitious souls, cats, cheesecake, and oddly enough heroic individuals. Dislikes cowardice, being told what to do, cruelty for the sake of it, his own mortality.

  • mbti.  ESTJ

  • moral alignment.  Chaotic Neutral


(note: there’s biblical stuff in here so bear in mind–)
A child of the Sun God, Ra, and also one of his incarnations, he stipulates himself as the absolute ruler in this world. Just like how birds soar in the sky, fish swim in the ocean, and flowers blossom in full glory in vast fields, he is quite naturally a God-King, otherwise known as ‘Pharaoh’. As a God-King, he possesses within his body various Egyptian gods from birth. Ozymandias loved the people of his kingdom greatly, and as such, was also loved by them in return. He was a wise ruler who, while fighting the Hittites, eventually made peace with them and brought about prosperity to ancient Egypt by means of “interchange”. He was at times, also a valorous general, and a man who eventually married the greatest beauties in the world to father over a hundred children in his life.Before his death due to old age, he left so many great buildings and monuments that even to this day, they are looked upon with awe. However, before he grew into such a man, and long before he would be known throughout history as one of the greatest pharaohs in Ancient Egypt, he was friends with Moses in his life as a child up to adulthood, and holds a special place in his heart for one of his wives, Nefertari. He and Moses were raised together, growing close to the point that there was no distinction to Ozymandias that Moses was not his blood brother because he loved him as such. Their relationship was soon put to test when Moses became a prophet to his people and began to preach the teachings of God, denouncing the gods of Egypt (and to an extent, Ozymandias since he bore divine blood from said gods).According to anecdotes, the King of Egypt who obstructed “The Exodus” of the Hebrew people lead by Moses, and pursuing them with a great army, was this Ozymandias. When Moses told him that his God commanded that he free his people from slavery, Ozymandias refused, increasing their workload as punishment instead for such impertinence. This was the start of events that brought about the Ten Plagues. Though the Pharaoh stood against the onslaught with head high and teeth grit, his people suffered due to his obstinacy, lack of humility, and inability to understand compassion towards those he deemed lesser. Ozymandias, though he was a demigod, was no deity. If not for the might of the Egyptian gods and himself combined, he truly believed Egypt would have been destroyed by his former brother’s God.For all his stubborn attempts to stand against the plagues that hit his kingdom, the Tenth was the one that ruined him. When he and Nefertari’s firstborn son was killed by the final plague, only then did he bow his head in grief and defeat, finally doing what his brother had asked of him from the very beginning. Ozymandias, despite not bearing any ill-will or hatred towards Moses, still felt anger due to his son’s death and became filled with bitterness as a result. One of his advisers persuaded him to send a legion of charioteers to attack the Hebrews, and Ozymandias in his rage, agreed. However, when Moses saw the coming troops, he displayed another miracle of God by parting the Red Sea and led his people across it. The anger that had built up within Ozymandias faded into something pensive and difficult to define.Instead of pursuing Moses as the Pharaoh did in Exodus and losing his life due to foolish pride, Ozymandias instead, simply let his surrogate brother and once closest friend, go. Silently he bid him farewell as he and his people left Egypt, for they would never see one another again.


  GENSHIN IMPACT.   Element: Fire (Pyro)The first thing one might notice about this rather chatty man is that he has no issues approaching anyone at any given time, and also has a tendency towards loudness as if he were speaking to a crowd rather than a single individual. He is grandiose and stands out regardless of what he does, thus sees little reason to stifle his presence. If one were to ask, he is from a family of traders from a region known for being a “little bit too warm sometimes”, although prodding for more will yield rather poor results from this man who titles himself a ‘King’ (a king of TRADING of course!). For someone who likes to hear himself talk, he surely is rather closed off and secretive about himself, only willing to share the most superficial or vague of information. He states that he has many enemies in the trading world, and so needs to be mindful of what he says to others when it concerns himself, but whether this is true or not is up for debate.According to him, he grew bored of his family business and wanted to spice things up by studying different regions and coming to understand the people that live there so that he could better know their needs; though also, “I wanted a little adventure. My heart is too stifled in one place!” By all means call him, ‘Ozymandias’ (not that there is any choice when it’s the only name he gives). It is a name he says hides his tycoon status while also being just really fun to say. What’s his real name? That’s not anyone’s concern. Ozymandias serves just fine if one really needs a name.  FANTASY.   Not a total rundown of the verse since it is fairly standard but – Ozy is the king of a kingdom called ‘Kemet’ well-known for its more material resources with gold being at the very tippy top. It is a desert kingdom, though due to extensive trade with other nations, is a hotbed for merchants to visit and do business and for hiring mercenaries to fill in gaps in the country’s military through the sharing of tactical knowledge. Unlike other nations that choose kings oftentimes based solely on lineage, this is not wholly the case for Kemet even if this is often what transpires. Although true that normally families will sit on that ornate throne for generations, it is the gods themselves that give their blessing as to who can truly become Kemet’s ruler via a sign rather than through actual word of mouth. As a result, Ozy was taught all he needed to know to rule in a “just in case” manner very early, though upon the death of his father, it was clear that he was chosen and could carry on his duties as a God-King, further solidifying his family’s power.A shrewd ruler, he tends to focus on his borders defenses, yet the thought of spreading his kingdom further to reclaim old territory snatched away centuries ago is appealing. Despite being skilled enough at diplomacy to keep good relations with his neighbors, this doesn’t eliminate the fact that he does have his fair share of enemies, whether it be due to jealousy of Kemet’s booming economy, or old grudges that still simmer and burn beneath the surface, he is used to it and welcomes the challenge (perhaps even looks forward to a conflict brewing if only to test the weight of his blade).

  HONKTAI STAR RAIL.   A traveling researcher – or so he says. Everything about Ozymandias screams otherwise upon speaking to him, but there is no denying he holds a great wealth of knowledge, and thus, perhaps it should be mentioned that it is unwise to focus on appearances. Specializing in Aeons and their affect on those who worship them and attempt to follow their respective Paths be it culturally, socially, or for their own personal reasons, he takes note of these little things in order to help him gain a larger perspective of the universe via a smaller scale in order to further his own understanding – and to aid in that understanding for others, of course. He seems to be actively looking for something in particular, though as to what that is, it is hard to say as he has a tendency to instead offer generic responses of merely wanting to know more than he did the day before. Out of all the Aeons he has studied on his journey, however, he takes a particular interest in Nanook.  HOLY GRAIL WAR.   Takes place, as one might guess, during a Holy Grail War. Ozymandias has been brought forth to fight and grant victory for his summoner. However, just because he was summoned as a Servant does not mean he will actually obey commands given. Whether there is victory or defeat is entirely up to his Master, for Ozymandias himself has no love for the Holy Grail. The happenings of this verse will normally always be within the modern era.  FATE GRAND ORDER.   After his defeat, he sees that those from Chaldea are indeed worth his time and thus grants them his power to use in the upcoming battles. After all, saving the world is something he must do, and there is no way he going to be backstage to all the action taking place. Though he may not show it much, Ozymandias is quite pleased to be able to see others whose powers fascinate him (in a lowkey way he won't admit).  MODERN.   Born into a well-to-do family, Ramses always had things handed to him from a young age up until he became an adult. Despite this, he is highly ambitious and worked hard in college despite his family easily being able to get him a job within their company, and as a result, graduated with honors and a degree in Architecture with a minor in Egyptology due to his interest in his family's heritage. Due to his quick understanding of structure and design that came naturally to him even as a boy, he managed excell easily at his profession. Even still, he aims higher. Tends to like traveling simply so he can look at different structures in different countries for inspirational purposes.  SUMMONED FORTH.   Basically a catch-all verse. Since Servants are not bound by time, space, or even reality itself, they can transcend these things. Basically, this means that he is either a Servant with a Master or he is without one, summoned by an unseen force for whatever reason. It makes for being able to interact in completely different fandoms 10x easier.